10 things not to search on Goo.gle

 Need any information? Many people immediately went to the Google search box and started looking for it. Some people look for food recipes, some people look for online banking, money transfer or various medicines online. Those who rely on Google for everything, should remember that these contents are not created by Google itself. Google simply provides an online platform where information from various websites can be viewed. So there is no reason to think that all the information seen on Google will be correct and accurate. Many things you see on Google can cause you harm. Searching for some topics in Google's search box should be stopped altogether. It will keep you safe online. Know about 10 such things:

1. Online Banking: Remember the online address of the bank you transact with. Don't try to find out about their site or services online without proper URL or link. Many times crooks create phishing sites similar to bank websites. If you go to a site that you forget and enter your ID-password, it will be disastrous. Therefore it is better not to search on Google for information related to online banking.

2. Customer Service Numbers: Scammers put fake numbers and websites of various services online. Many people go to Google and get scammed by calling fake site numbers. By far the most scam victim on Google is searching for customer service numbers. So be careful to avoid scamming any customer service phone number from Google.

3. Download apps and software: You can fall into the trap of cheating by going to Google to find any useful software. Go directly to Google Play for Android or App Store for iPhone to download mobile apps or software. Do not download any app by searching on Google. Because, crooks can manipulate and entice to download a lot of software. Remember, downloading fake apps or software can get malware on your device. This can lead to theft of your personal information.

4. Medicines: Talk to your doctor straight away if you have any problems. The information provided by Google is not always accurate. According to the information seen on Google, you can be in danger by buying medicine. So don't rely on Google search for sensitive issues.

5. Stock Market Information: Just like health information, it is not right to rely on Google for financial matters. Financial success factors can vary from person to person. It would be best for you not to rely on Google search information when it comes to investing.

6. Government information: Crooks create fake information on various government sites like bank websites. Scammers' primary goal is to fool users by creating sites similar to various government sites. Many websites seen on Google search appear genuine but later turn out to be scams. Instead of searching on Google, it is safe to go there by knowing the URL of the respective website.

7. Social Media: Never Google the social media login page. Enter the social media website link in Google's address box and go there. If you go through a Google search, you may fall victim to a phishing attack. You may end up on a fake website.

8. Searching for offers on Google: Many people go to Google to search for offers on online sites. You will find thousands of such offers on Google. Crooks can grab your important information by trapping these offers. So don't search for any offer directly on Google. Buy products directly from the website of the site you want to shop.

9. Free Antivirus: Many go to Google and search for 'free antivirus'. Searching for 'free antivirus' on Google will bring up numerous fake software, which can cause damage to your device. It is difficult for many people to find the original by searching on Google.

10. Coupons to get discounts: Many search for coupons on Google to get discounts for shopping. If you search for such coupons, you will end up with fake coupons and go to fake sites. This is where your card information can be stolen. So stop searching Google for discounts. Source: Gadgets Now. 

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